This is Andres Iniesta from Spain and he is 35 years old. He belongs to ヴィッセル神戸 in J League of the Japan league. If you like football, I think nobady knows him. It is such a wonderful soccer player. Now, Do you know that Iniesta's football can be watched in Japan ? You should know the fact if you don't know. He debuted with the FC Barcelona in La Liga 1 of the Spanish league in 2002. Then he continued to make many legendry plays untill 2018. I didn't expect that Iniesta come to Japan.
Please watch this video. This video is from when he was in FC Barcelona. His great points are the speed of the head, dribbling, pass, and the middle shoot. I think he is a man loved by the football god and was born to play football. It is really that his football can be watched in Japan. I often go to soccer on the stadium. But, I have'nt seen Iniesta yet. So I want to see it once. And I think that the news of his joining in last year was so topic that many people know. So I'm glad if you read this blog and get interested in Iniesta.